Taping for trigger points in the gluteus medius
The gluteus medius wraps around the iliac crest and is our main hip stabiliser. This muscle works with the gluteus minimus to prevents the pelvis from dropping toward the non-weight-bearing leg during walking.
It is deep and mostly obscured by the gluteus maximus, but can be located located on the surface between the gluteus maximus and the tensor fascia latae.
As with the gluteus maximus, trigger points in the gluteus medius may refer pain locally to the buttocks and hips but are more commonly associated with lower back pain where they likely form part of the same, wider holding pattern.
There are three trigger points in this tissue: in the anterior, medius, and posterior. The anterior trigger point is often associated with hip joint pain. The medial trigger point refers deep into the buttock. The posterior trigger point refers up and into the the lower back and, when combined with the anterior trigger point, can produce pain across the entire lower back.
Common trigger point sites in the gluteus medius